“By donating to our Spring Campaign today you will be entered to win a private tour of our collection! ”
Thank you for your ongoing generosity and loyalty to the Museum of Performance + Design! The work we do with cultural preservation and public engagement is ever more meaningful today and is possible only with your help!*
Here are a few of the recent accomplishments we want to share with you:
With the help of members of the Costume Society of America/Western Region and Hollinger Metal Edge, we conserved 50 dance and opera costumes
We hosted an average of 2 school visits per quarter, engaging youth with the art of performance and its history
We loaned dozens of documents from the Anna Halprin papers to documenta 14, the quintessential European contemporary art exhibition often referred to as "the 100-day museum"
This month, a year-long processing and digitization project is making available to the public 234 linear feet of historical musical documents through our reference library and a new online exhibit
These highlights demonstrate the value of the collection to artists, historians, and the general public here and elsewhere and the importance of preserving locally this rich, unique, and meaningful artistic history so we can share it globally.
Help us advance our mission and work! By donating to our Spring Campaign today you will abe entered to win a private tour of our collection!
Looking forward, we will be hosting the Assistant Curator of the Hong Kong Heritage Museum in the fall, who will study our historical Chinese Theater Collection; digitize, catalog, and exhibit online 2,500 dance images from our collection; and develop a staged reading series of works from or in dialogue with our historical holdings.
Stay in touch, visit us, and spread the word about what we do,
Many thanks again for your continued support
* Individual giving makes up a third of our income and, combined with government/foundation grants and library services, allows us to be sustainable
Donor benefits levels:
$10 - $149 Friend
Acknowledgement letter
Free e-Announcements
$150 - $499 Associate
All Friend level benefits
Invitation to exhibition and program previews
$500 - $1,499 Patron
All Associate level benefits
Invitation to donors events
$1,500 - $2,499 Russell Hartley Society
All Patron level benefits
Recognition on our website
$2,500 - $4,999 Partner
All Russell Hartley Society benefits
Name associated with project funded (press releases, announcements, gallery labels) Please call to discuss
$5,000 Sponsor
All Partner level benefits
Private tour of the archive by appointment